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Tehran-Paris urban design workshop

University of Tehran & ENSAV(École Nationale supérieure d'architecture de Versailles), France & Iran-2016-2017

Approach: urban planning and designing in unfamiliar contexts


This project challenges existing zoning and land use paradigms by proposing a new zoning strategy for spatial planning by foreigner architects-French students in Iran and Iranian students in Paris- in each part. By analyzing current programs and setting new functional zoning between primary uses, a finer grain zoning code will create a more lively, sustainable and visually diverse future. Furthermore, the new point of view in unfamiliar contexts lead to more creative and fresh solutions. The most noteworthy point in this collaboration was that to work as a team with other foreigner architects and find a unique and coherent solution for the given problems to emphasize the task that matters in today’s architecture societies.

Tehran-Tomorrow workshop

Platform 28 Institute, Tehran, Iran-2017

Approach: Analyzing Tehran’s history and Imagining Tehran’s future (Utopia)

Iranian architects are followers of Europeans without knowing their point of view or just imitating their past without knowing the history. They wanted to be up-to-date, but follow others. They somehow wanted to go back to seek their identity but just stopped in yesterday. What is missing here is the future. Tomorrow will be made by criticizing yesterday and today.

The Tehran-Tomorrow workshop was an attempt to draw a vision based on historical analysis and urban planning of Tehran’s last two centuries. The workshop was supervised and taught by Ali Farrior Sadri in two periods:

First Period: Recognizing Tehran's Contemporary History and Analyzing Its Current Situation

Second period: To depict Tehran tomorrow based on preliminary analysis.

Because the first part of the work was timid with a huge historical data the presentation made in a virtual way to compact all the information via a QR Code icons and limit the researchers’ authority by letting viewers scan each icon they want to get information with more details.

Design and construction of Pantographic structures:

International Academy of Innovative Art and Technology ( with IUST (Iran University of Science and Technology), Tehran, Iran-fall 2017

Approach: dynamic structures


The main purpose of this course was introducing with the process of designing; parametric modeling and building dynamic structures.  The workshop’s schedule was as follows: learning how to think parametric and an introduction to the grasshopper plugin, solving simple exercises

, learning theoretical foundations, learning theoretical foundations, deployable dome construction, constructing and installing the entrance monument; constructing and installing Star-ex

Exposed concrete workshop

TANDIS ARA Engineering consultant with IUST (Iran University of Science and Technology)-spring 2018

Approach: Designing and constructing concrete Urban Furniture


This workshop’s goal was to become familiar with concrete structures and other types of concrete-transparent, cold, warm,etc.- in order to use it as urban furniture in the campus landscape. The importance of this work was to get to know how to mixed primitive materials to create a specific type of concrete and the way to design an urban landscape. The focal point in designing these types of furniture is to understand that people are a part of the landscape and play a vital role to change the sense of them. By designing the accurate type of exterior furniture, we can control the user's movement and thus the landscape viability. 

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